Omnia mea mecum porto

by Marko Šamanić
peoplelikeus community bag

Vremena i običaji se menjaju, ali izdaleka izgledaju kao jedna velika vreća, u koju su svi utrpani, pa kad se vreća napuni, izvrne se, isprazni i onda ponovno puni istim sadržajem. 

Od kad je sveta i veka, turbulentnost je stalna. Ponekad je ona uzrokovana ratovima, ponekad meteorološkim (ne)prilikama, ponekad jurimo i selimo zbog posla, a nismo retko hektični i zbog ljubavi.

Putujemo unutar jednog dana i kad smo u balansu svojih misli, osećanja i dela. 

Ceo naš život je jedno veliko putovanje, a još je Ciceron davnih dana rekao da "sve svoje nosim sa sobom"...pritom je mislio na obeležje svog karaktera, osobina stečenih i nasleđenih, veština...

People like us ženska svevremenska torba, nosiva i leti, i zimi, i ujutro, i navečer, i za plažu, i za večeru, i na posao, uklopiva u razne stilove. Od lana i drveta napravljena, podseća nas na naše želje da sve možemo, ako se potrudimo, ako smo već pronašle zlato u sebi...

Kao poseban komad, ali i kao deo specificnog People like us outfita, omogućuje nam da "sve svoje nosimo sa sobom"...s posebnim oblikom, sa smislom za detalje koji čine razliku, poput unutrašnjeg materijala postave u hrabrim bojama, džepića, rajsferšlus,  ili drvene ručke, Sandra nadmašuje samu sebe u silini poruka koje Vam šalje, drage moje, posebne, talentovane, samostalne, jake i nežne istovremeno, žene...

Danas nositi "sve svoje sa sobom" podrazumeva da smo istovremeno i majke, i ludo sposobne poslovne osobe, i devojčice zaigranih duša i vrućih naš dnevni accessories, za sve nase potrebe, kako estetske, tako i praktične, treba jedna ozbiljna, samo svoja, torba...

Jer, "omnia mea mecum porto"!

Ni manje, ni više....

Times and customs change, but from a distance they look like one big bag, into which everyone is stuffed, so when the bag is full, it is turned upside down, emptied and then filled again with the same contents.

Since the beginning of the century, turbulence has been constant. Sometimes it is caused by wars, sometimes by meteorological (un)opportunities, sometimes we rush and move because of work, and not infrequently we are hectic because of love.

We travel within a day and when we are in balance with our thoughts, feelings and actions.

Our whole life is one big journey, and Cicero said in the old days that "I carry all my things with me"... he was referring to the hallmarks of my character, acquired and inherited traits, skills...

People like us women's all-weather bag, wearable in summer, in winter, in the morning, in the evening, for the beach, for dinner, and for work, suitable for various styles. Made of linen and wood, it reminds us of our desires that we can do anything, if we try hard, if we have already found the gold in ourselves...

As a separate piece, but also as part of a specific People like us outfit, it allows us to "carry all ours with us"... with a special shape, with a sense of details that make a difference, such as the inner lining material in bold colors, pockets, zipper, or wooden handles, Sandra surpasses herself in the strength of the messages she sends to you, my dear, special, talented, independent, strong and gentle at the same time, women...

Today, carrying "all your things with you" implies that we are simultaneously mothers, insanely capable business people, and girls with playful souls and warm hearts... for our daily accessories, for all our needs, both aesthetic and practical, we need one serious, just your own, bag...

Because, "omnia mea mecum porto"!

Simple as that....

About (PeopleLike) Us

by Marko Šamanić
About (PeopleLike) Us

Generacije jedne familije su svoje "obiteljsko srebro" prenosile s koljena na koljeno. To nisu bile samo fizicke stvari, poput tanjura, pribora za jelo, slika, vaza, ili, još ranije, narodnih nošnji, šešira, kočija, predmeta od kože, krzna, starih fotografija, amajlija, nakita... U tu popudbinu kroz vrijeme išle su i navike, pravila ponašanja, razne dogme o dopustenom načinu razmišljanja, a pogotovo govora. Javno izgovorene riječi.

Naravno, posebna su prica meduljudski odnosi. Kako se prema kome moramo ponasati, tko je rodenjem stekao predispoziciju da bude vazan, a tko se tek zivotom za nju trebao izboriti, kad i ako je zelio podići percepciju vlastite važnosti.

To su nenapisane price iz davnina. Na njih je trebala pasti prašina jos odavno, ali kao sto cesto mozemo vidjeti i dozivjeti, neki duhovi prošlosti se nikako ne žele vratiti u svoju bocu...
Smatraju da mogu kreirati sadašnjost i budućnost po principima proslosti.
Puno je tu iskrivljenih slika, laznih vertikala, neprovjerenih istina. Vrč uvijek ide na vodu, dok se ne razbije.

Nastanak i evolucija jedne familije slicna je povijesti jednog naroda, ili citavih civilizacija.
Mnogo ljudi sudjeluje u najboljoj vjeri. Neki i iz krivih pobuda. Svako da svoj doprinos. U izgradnji, u sadrzaju, u formi, u odnosima...
Ali, samo mali broj njih je na nasu planetu poslan s misijom da promijeni tok povijesti. Jedne obitelji, jednog grada, jednog naroda, ili citavih civilizacija.

Ti rijetki su kao po pravilu malo cudni. Kao djeca cesto osamljeni. Neshvaćeni. Ne baš osobiti đaci. Poput žive u toplomjerima 20.stoljeća, zarobljeni u krutoj formi stakla, ali kad se ona razbije, postaju neuhvatljivi...

Sto je u tim ljudima toliko posebno? Kako ih uspijemo ne prepoznati sve dokad nam njihova moć i dar potpuno ne izvrnu živote naopačke?
Ti posebni ljudi imaju razvijenije neko vitalno čulo. Nije to ni vid, ni sluh, ni njuh. To je poseban osjećaj za protumačiti stvarnost i pravu istinu, kao i hrabrost da se iskoci iz rutine i izgrade novi odnosi, novi sadržaji, nove forme. Novi ljudi.
Tradicionalna uloga žena u drustvu se dugo nije mijenjala. Ona je poput vjere. Dakle, nema loše vjere, ima samo loseg tumacenja iste.
Tako su i žene bile uzimane "zdravo za gotovo", bez obzira što one same nisu bjezale od svojih uloga i obaveza.

No, vremenom su osvijestile da ima života i iza i pored toga. Dapače, uz te dodatne sadrzaje, uloge i aktivnosti, osnovne stvari postaju bolje, bogatije, sa vise smisla. Riječ je o ukljucivosti, a ne iskljucivosti.
Imati svoju obitelj, posao, ne znaci da ne ostaje vremena za sve one sitne radosti i hobije, za pronalaženje zlatne niti svačijeg života.
Sandra je spojila tradicionalno i moderno, formu i mastu, sjever i jug, dvije vjere, materijalno i duhovno.

Koristila se iskustvima, putovanjima, lutanjima, citanjem, meditiranjem, formalnim i neformalnim obrazovanjem, brusenjem vlastite percepcije, boja, materijala, ali i ljudskih duša, da bi iznijela komade s porukom.
"Pronađite zlato u sebi", drage zene, ali i vaši muskarci i djeca. Ne odustajte od svojih snova, ideja, realizacije...

Kreirajte vaše zivote po vasim standardima, a duhove proslosti zatvorite u bocu.
Slavite ljubav, iskrenost, dobre odnose, kreativnost i maštu. Budite neovisni. Stvorimo zajedno novi, bolji svijet.

Pronadimo i njegujmo zlato u sebi. Drzimo se zajedno. Tako ćemo lakse i ljepse živjeti.
Ne treba nam puno, često već na prvu osjetimo...
Ljude poput nas...
people like us


by Milica Pešterac

We all have our own way of thinking, our way of life, our way of style. But have you ever wondered which is the right one?

The whole life is ahead of us to find out. But here are some directives.

We need to find the way where we live our truth, the way where we are aware of our strengths and weaknesses.

Life is the endless way of wandering and learning, so there is no wrong step, each of them taught us something. On that way, you will come across your lodestar, and she will tell you some directions. With our heads held high, we are going our way, we follow the moon, and looking for real life.

When we find our inner peace, we will find our way. Then we will give the exhibit of strength and courage to find a new way, to find new life.

Don't take a detour, you have to go through everything. That is life. That's why you need to trust your intuition, focus on finding the best route and embody it.

Every way is imbued with fear, mistakes, patience, clearness, inspiration, and creation.

That's why on our way we want everything to be deep. We want the way where we are dreaming constantly.

In this way, we have connected with local brands, which make up one complete story.

You know how they say, local is the new black, so these pieces made in Belgrade definitely have so many shades. But vivid shades. You will see. We are connected on so many levels. But, the most important is that it’s not just our pieces that connect us. It is a real connection. It is a sense of belonging. It is comprehension. It is the art of living. That's how we live, that's our way.

We are people who dare, we are people who care. That's why we gather people like us.

We are still looking for soul travelers around the world. So there is one question for you. Did we find you? Or you found us?

We have shared ours with you. What is your way?

We bring together what belongs together

by Milica Pešterac

“People like us” is an idea born from the pure joy of the present moment. A moment weaved through intuition, inspiration, and a clear vision of the message we want to convey to mankind. As a product of the long-lasting inner development of one human being, it represents a symbol of the Golden Age, an age of unity, purity, weakness, and power of healthy woman energy. This powerful fusion will enlightened transmit the purest vibrations of unconditional love, compassion, and support. “People like us” concept is intended for all Goddesses who walk on Earth but also for those who are on their way to becoming ones.

We are Gentlewomen, we follow our hearts and we think that it is from a big value #WhoMakeYourClothes, so every single piece is made with love and has a personal sentimental imprint. This is the exact reason why our quality is not just in our materials and products but in the whole being of persons who make it. That individuals think that there is #SoManySpecialWomenInTheWorld who deserves a piece that has been given special attention to every detail, a piece made by hand, and a piece made in a special environment - our HUB in the heart of Belgrade. By combining the most natural and high-quality materials, alongside with magic of our idea, the materials, and spiritual principles are united, so the Goddess who heals humanity is being born.

With some of our projects like “Let’s shine together”, for Vanilla sweater, we wanted to convey women that they are the light of their souls and that we need to inspire the world together. We wanted to say them to follow their hearts, go where they feel most alive because true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. And that we made the perfect product to accompany all those things.

On the other hand, our newest project for Toga dresses shows how challenging it is to become the Gentlewoman when you are a wild child. That women need to be naturally in a state of joy, peace, gratitude, and happiness. To send energy healing transmissions via her voice, move, and touch, to harmonize her environment with her presence. To love fearlessly and serves altruistically.

That why we have a community in which all those characteristics are found in the women who follow our work and feel the message we want to share.

Our mission is to bring back a healthy female principle that is characterized by tenderness, femininity, spontaneity, purity, and harmony.

And again, freedom

by Milica Pešterac

Here we are at the end of another not so beautiful period in the lives of us all. The whole world is gripped by an unpredictable moment from which we should learn many lessons. The fact is that we had limited movement, that we could not visit our loved ones, that our new fashion details became masks and gloves.

But the fact is that we have had time to devote ourselves, our family, our spirit, mind, and body, and some of us have dedicated ourselves even to our fashion style.

That is why we ask you, what will you do and what are you gonna wear after the quarantine?

Many women were missing a hairdresser, beautician, manicurist, and pedicurist at this time. Are you one of them, or can you hardly wait to not have to go to the hairdresser every day, not to get ready for work, to wear heels and make-up? Are you already planning your outfit for the first day of work after quarantine, or will you continue with the more cozy quarantine pieces you are used to? Were you just waiting to get dressed and take your dog for a walk and take the opportunity for the only moment outside? Were you one of those who have Zoom and Skype calls with a shirt up and a tracksuit down? Have you decided after this period to change something on yourself?

All of these issues are directly connected with freedom. Freedom and our future choices. Will we finally learn to appreciate quality. Quality of life, nature, and even the clothes we buy and wear.

That's why we have a clear message for you - Feel free, feel cozy, feel sexy. Feel like a goddess. Wear higher quality materials because it is precisely this situation that should have taught us to appreciate the world. Buy less, but invest in quality. Do not rush. Do not blindly follow fast fashion. Find yourself. Enjoy pieces like kimonos and toga dresses, because that's what you feel free, it's what reminds you of the sun, the sun we all need now in any form. Pick a piece that won't close you, tighten you, give you restraints. Pick a piece that will be you. This is why we bring together what belongs together.

We know that there are so many special women in the world and that you are one of them. You are the one who will recognize our message that everything is an experience when you want to feel alive. Therefore, do not neglect your hobbies. Fill your spirit and body, be a gentlewoman.

Let's shine together

by Milica Pešterac

Dear Gentlewomen, we are light. And when we shine, we shine bright.

We want to inspire you to live, feel, and look beautiful. To be aware. To say I am the light of my soul. To go where you feel most alive. To find your organic feminine energy within you.

That is why with this project we invite all goddesses around the globe to inspire the world together - Let’s shine!

There are so many special women in the world. We want to unite all of them because we follow our hearts, we are a source of creativity, a source of love, a source of reality. We consciously live our lives and days. We are the source that gives and receives with a view, and the true beauty is reflected in our souls. And just like the light, we live because of our goodness, strength, and truth.

With this product, we bring together what belongs together! ⭐️


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